電影筆記 / 阿諾是個模範生 Arnold is a Model Student
阿諾是個模範生 Arnold is a Model Student Sorayos Prapapan|2022|泰國 Thailand |85mins 談選擇,關注阿諾個人與周遭他人之所以彼此都沒有選擇的脈絡,以及彼此面對權力遊戲態度上的悠遊與差異,比起非常以非常個人的視角批判早已不再是新聞的泰國獨裁政府,導演更專注於建構一個封閉卻從容的社會,看見個人是怎麼在群體之間最後選擇背向國家,沒有退路,儘管在離開的那一刻都與國家緊繫在一起,他仍找不到留下來的理由。直白的陳述又更比戲劇性的嘲諷讓人感到無力,從影片中看見導演將與觀眾溝通的企圖置於一切之上,他在説教式的故事編排上無意說教,更多時候呈現放棄,因為當我們看清楚阿諾模範的地方,也才意識到逃避不可恥也有用,他已經失去了進入集體進入公共的意圖與慾望,最後作為模範的個體,他選擇保全的是在自己可見的選擇上延續自己的意志,且已無關乎他人。 It’s a simple, direct, plain yet sad film. My friend called it emotional which drag me into a pre-imagine of how this film may resonate to the people who had been though the exact same physical and mental experience in Thailand, perhaps even in the East and South east Asia. The film portraits a model student Arnold, who is a half-Thai half-French student, won the Olympics for the school and become the role model in teachers eyes. My first thought to the film is realizing how different it is to the artist Chulayarnnon‘s works. Though both of them have some similarities when it comes to the mode...